The project that has been underway for 3 years to add a waterway exit from the Punta Gorda Isles (PGI) “Bird Section” to Alligator Creek has taken on many names over the start of the project. Call it “PGI Bird Cut-Through”, “Alligator Creek Bypass”, “Additional Harbor Access Project” or “Bird Key Cut” has now had a name change!
It is now called: “The Buckley’s Pass Project” or “Buckley’s Pass” and it looks like this navigational short cut will actually happen! First, the new name is to honor the late Capt. John Buckley who was instrumental in making this come to fruition.
Based on my research, the City of Punta Gorda cut a deal with land owner Robert “Buckey” McQueen and the land purchase was approved on August 22, 2018. This parcel is a land mass that separates a navigable portion of the bird section canal system to the waters of Alligator Creek. This 4.24 acre parcel is being purchased for $440,000 and the city will create a channel through it that is 1,446 feet long and 60 feet wide. This connection to Alligator Creek will shorten the boat ride from all homes in the locally named “Bird Section” of Punta Gorda Isles and my guess is it will cut the boat ride time in nearly ½ from the ride it takes to go out (for many homes) to the existing Ponce de Leon channel to the north and west. This location also places the mariner several miles to the south on the harbor and of course, closer to the Gulf of Mexico. With that said there are a lot of advantages to use this short cut. One of key factors that has been missing in the mention of this bird cut through is WATER DEPTH! They talk width and length but not depth! Of course, to a serious boater like myself this would be one of the first points to be highlighted but I anticipate a minimum of 6 feet mean low water (MLW). Anything less would prohibit many large sailing craft and deeper draft power boats from using it. Add to that I believe it was no coincidence that Charlotte County decided to DREDGE Alligator Creek earlier this year to a new DEEPER water depth that was prescribed to be dredged to 6 feet MLW. With these depths, they match the city’s prescribed maintenance depth of 6 feet MLW at Ponce de Leon channel.
For those not familiar with the “Bird Section” of PGI, this area got its name because all of the streets are named after birds. Whether it is a shore bird or upland game bird you will find an interesting mix of names. This section of Punta Gorda Isles is the newest section within this Punta Gorda neighborhood with most homes being built in the late 80’s to current and with that it has a newer appearance with the absence of homes built in the 60’s and 70’s that can be found in other parts of PGI.
Other important issues that have been met with this project are:
Army Corp of Engineers approved the cut through on August 7, 2018 (Permit NO. SAJ-2016-02715 (SP-KRD). This was a big hurdle to overcome.
One approval that was previously reported was necessary was the NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES. I have not heard mention of this and wonder if this is still an outlying issue.
One other point on this project that I have contemplated is that the channel they are cutting is only 60 feet wide. Granted this should be fine for most vessels that pass in the channel, but more would be better.
The big deal is that it looks like the Bird Section cut through is actually going to happen! Exactly when no one has reported as the City of Punta Gorda is now figuring out how to assess the property owners in a fair manor to cover the cost of the project estimated at approximately $2 million to complete. Also, the date of the actual land purchase has not been determined either. Of course, once completed I would expect the city hopes to assess bird section taxes at a higher millage rate since they will have a shorter boat ride time out.
For sailors and power craft this area of Punta Gorda Isles will become more attractive if a shorter boat ride is important to you. It remains to be seen if Buckley’s Pass increases property values.